Friday, September 7, 2012

Setiap kali cuti soalan lazim yang akan abi tanya kepada anak-anaknya adalah "ada nak buat apa masa cuti ni?". Lagi-lagi jika tempoh cutinya panjang. Pastinya banyak perancangan yang kita telah fikirkan untuk mengisi masa cuti. Abi ada menunjukkan satu buku yang bertajuk 'Mudahnya menjemput rezeki' ditulis oleh Fathuri Salehuddin. Pada mulanya cuma ambil ringan dengan buku yang abi tunjukkan. Tetapi hampir setiap hari abi akan bertanya perihal buku tersebut "dah baca?" Jawapan semestinya "belum lagi tapi dah review sikit-sikit tajuk kecilnya hehe.", "baru baca sikit-sikit bab 1" Apabila abi kerap bertanyakan perihal buku tersebut berkali-kali, pasti ada sesuatu yang abi cuba sampaikan. Setelah membacanya, hmmm... ada sesuatu.

Menariknya adalah bagaimana penulis mengupas istilah 'menjemput rezeki', selalunya kita akan menggunakan 'mencari rezeki'. Penulis memberikan dua analogi. Yang pertama seseorang mencari kunci yang hilang. Mencari kunci yang hilang semestinya sukar sekiranya kita tidak tahu di mana kita meletakkannya.Analogi yang kedua ialah seseorang yang menjemput temannya. Menjemput seseorang untuk hadir ke sesuatu majlis mungkin lebih mudah jika dibandingkan untuk mencari tetapi untuk menjamin seseorang itu hadir adalah sukar. Rezeki juga mempunyai realiti yang sama iaitu kita tidak tahu bila masanya.

"Dan kunci-kunci semua yang ghaib ada pada-Nya; tidak ada yang mengetahui selain Dia. Dia mengetahui apa yang ada di darat dan laut. Tidak ada sehelai daun pun yang gugur yang tidak diketahui-Nya. Tidak ada sebutir biji pun dalam kegelapan bumi dan tidak pula sesuatu yang basah atau kering yang tidak tertulis dalam Kitab yang nyata (Lauh Mahfuz)" 
[Al-An'am : 59]

Penulis mengatakan menjemput rezeki lebih mudah kerana kita sudah tahu bahawa sanya rezeki hanya daripada Allah swt. Maka tidak perlu lagi kita mencari, kita hanya perlu menjemput rezeki. 

"Wahai manusia! Ingatlah akan nikmat Allah kepadamu. Adakah pencipta selain Allah yang dapat memberikan rezeki kepadamu dari langit dan bumi? Tidak ada Tuhan selin Dia; maka mengapa kamu berpaling dari ketauhidan?"
[Fatir : 3]

Bagaimana mahu menjemput rezeki? Apakah strateginya? Allah telah berfirman dalam Al-Quran mengenainya.

"Perintakanlah keluargamu bersolat dan bersabarlah dalam mengerjakan solat. Kami tidak meminta rezeki daripada kamu. Sesungguhnya Kami yang memberi rezeki kepada kamu. Dan balasan baik bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa"
[Thaha : 132]

"Dan sesiapa bertakwa kepada Allah nescaya Dia akan jadikan baginya jalan keluar. Dan Dia akan berikan rezeki padanya dari arah yang tidak ia sangka. Dan siapa yang bertawakal kepada Allah maka Dia mencukupinya. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Melaksanakan perkara-Nya. Sesungguhnya Allah telah menjadikan bagi segala sesuatu ketentuan."
[At-Thalaq : 2-3]

Masya Allah jaminan dari Allah, hanya terserah kepada kita samada nak atau tak. Antara strategi yang di himpunkan oleh penulis untuk menjemput rezeki ialah:

  • Mengutamakan solat
  • Solat tahajud
  • Solat Dhuha
  • Zikir 
  • Doa
  • Mendoakan orang lain
  • Sedekah
  • Membaca Al-Quran
  • Bersyukur
  • Tekun berusaha

Jom menjemput rezeki! Yakinlah dengan jaminan dari Allah swt.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

When you are trying to betray Allah

Suka nak kongsikan dari buku Bahtera Penyelamat karya Fathi Yakan….
Jazakillah khairan kathira ukhti Syairah kerana sudi translatekan.
May Allah bless you… ^_^

                It was told that there was a man who met with Ibrahim bin Adham. He said to Ibrahim: “Oh father of Ishaq (Ibrahim). I have despotic myself, so please tell me something that can somehow make me realizes about my wrongdoings hence protect my heart from being contaminated.” Ibrahim Adham replied: “If you can accept yourself and perform all the five things that I will mention to you, than all the pleasantness that you have achieve will not harm yourself.” The man than said: “What is it? Please tell me oh father of Ishaq. “Ibrahim explained:
                “First: When you are trying to betray Allah, then do not eat His provision!” The man beat out and answered: “then, where can I eat if all the resources of food in this world belong to Him?” Ibrahim replied quickly: Hye fulan, is it worth it for you to eat food given by God and then deceive Him?”  “Surely no!” He answered back.
                “Ok. So what is the second one?” Ibrahim continued: “When you want to betray Allah, then don’t live anywhere on His world.” The man then said: This is harder than the first one you mentioned before. If the East, South and opposite of them are God’s then, where can I live?” Ibrahim interfered: Oh fulan, should you be eating food from God, live on His earth and then try to deceive Him?” “No”, He replied.
                “Then, what is the third one?” Ibrahim said again: “If you tend to deceive Allah although you have been eating from His source and live on His earth, then find a place where He may not see you challenge His wills. If you have found it, then go on and do the maksi’at.” The man then said: Oh Ibrahim! How can I do as you have mentioned to me if Allah The All Mighty knows everything, and He also knows all the hidden things on this planet?” Ibrahim answered back: “Hye fulan, should you be eating His food, live on His earth, betray Him although in truth He knows everything about you and can see you anywhere and everywhere?” “No”, the man answered.
                “The fourth one, what is it”, asked the man again. Ibrahim replied,”When the angle of death comes to take your spirit away, then say to the angle: “Give me time to repent to Allah and do all His wills.” “Never will he obey my orders,” said the man. “Hye fulan”, said Ibrahim: “should you in your weak body be rejecting death; just for the sack of getting a little bit of time to repent, and you may have known well enough that when death comes you may never be able to reject it just to gain time to repent to Allah, and you may also know well enough that you will never be given that time as you wanted especially in this condition that after doing maksi’at you still hope to be safe from Allah’s punishment?”
                The man asked again: “How about the fifth one?” Ibrahim explained: When angel Zabaniyyah comes on the day if Qiamah to take you to hell, then do not go with him!” “Surely they will not let me, or accept my request”, the man interfere. Ibrahim said:  In that case, what do you hope for that can help safe you?” The man then answered straight away, Oh Ibrahim, that’s enough! I seek God for forgiveness and I repent to Him. The man then followed Ibrahim Adham to perform ibadah together until they were separated by their own death.   (Tawwabin)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Millions of copies of Qur'an are in circulation.
Day and night it is ceaselessly recited, in homes, in mosques, from pulpits.
Voluminous exegetical works exist expounding its meaning.
Words pour out incessantly to explain its teachings and to exhort us to live by it.
Yet eyes remain dry,
heart remain unmoved,
minds remain untouched,
lives remain unchanged.

Way To The Qur'an -KHURRAM MURAD-

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tilawatul Qur'an

Tilawah is a word that the Qur'an uses to describe the act of reading it.
No single word in English can convey its full meaning.
'To follow' is the closest to its primary meaning.
To read is only secondary, for in meaning too, words follow each other,
one closely behind the other, in an orderly and meaningful in sequence
and order is not observed, the meaning is destroyed.

So primarily tilawah means to move closely behind,
to go forward,
to flow in a sequence,
to go in pursuit,
to take as espouse the cause,
to act upon,
walk after,
practise a way of life,
to understand,
to follow the train of thought -or to follow

Tilawah or recitation is an act
in which your whole person -soul, heart, mind, tongue and body- participate,
in short your whole existence.
In reading the Qur'an, mind and body,
reason and feeling lose their direction;
they become fused.
As the tongue recites and words flow from lips,
the mind ponders,
the heart reflects,
the soul absorbs,
tears well up in the eyes,
the heart quakes and trembles,
the skin shivers and softens just as the heart does,
the remaining no duality any more between the two,
even your hair may stand on end.

"so he walks in a light from his Lord... that is God's guidance, whereby He guides whomsoever He will" 
(Az-Zumar 39: 22-23)

Way to the Qur'an by KHURRAM MURAD.